This smallest settlement in the Curonian Spit was founded by the villagers of sand-covered Naujieji Nagliai.

„The farthest from the world and the closest to the sky“ - that is a local epithet for Pervalka, which is famous for its scenic nature, clean beaches, uplifting atmosphere and privacy.

The settlement situated among dunes and pines is home to only half a hundred buildings and a few dozens of locals.

„Family Villa“ in Pervalka is a unique place for recreation, inviting to have a relaxing time with family, kids, relatives or friends. The main house with 4 bedrooms and the nearby appartments can accomodate 14 guests at a time.

During all year round with its bewitching nature and peacefulness, Pervalka is famous for its functional Lighthouse of Horses, built in 1990 on an artificial island in the Curonian Lagoon.

The Dead Dunes is another interesting place in Nagliai nature reserve, reached by a hiking trail.
Not only these dunes, but also Karvaičiai mountain keep a live memory of the tragic history of the Curonian Spit villages that were covered in sand in the 18th century.

Close to Pervalka there is an oaken monument to Lithuanian poet Liudvikas Rėza, who was born in Karvaičiai village and who wrote a poem about one of the 14 sand-covered villages.

There are many bicycle paths across Pervalka leading to Juodkrantė, Preila and Nida. Visit The Hill of Witches, cormorant colony and Weathervane gallery in Juodkrantė.

Nida awaits you with its Parnidis dune, Sun Clock, Thomas Mann cultural centre, V. and K. Mizgiriai amber gallery-museum.

The Curonian Lagoon that washes Pervalka settlement is a great place for fishermen, yachtsmen, kitesurfing and other water sports enthusiasts.

You can find more information about the Curonian Spit at www.neringa.lt